Bobcat Faculty, Staff, and Students:
Our Swainsboro campus clean-up has progressed to a point where we can now make plans to re-open this coming week. We are still aware of the many challenges you all face, so we are taking a phased approach to our re-opening.
The following is a general timeline for our return to campus. Additional details will be provided in follow-up emails for specific groups, such as faculty, later today. Please reach out to your supervisor if you have any questions.
Monday, October 7th
Swainsboro: Staff and faculty, if they are able, will return to campus for a shortened workday, 10am to 3pm.
Statesboro and Augusta: Staff and faculty, who are able, will return to campus for a regular workday, 8am to 5pm. Classes resume in Statesboro and Augusta in line with the recent notifications from Georgia Southern University and Augusta University.
11am: “Campus Update and Q&A” in the Auditorium (Swainsboro) with Zoom option. This update will be for all employees on all campuses. We will provide an overview of where things stand, and several folks will be available to answer questions. The link to the meeting will be sent out Monday morning at the latest.
It is expected that staff and faculty unable to return to the campuses Monday will work remotely, if possible, and coordinate with their supervisors on enabling that remote work. Please check in with your supervisor if you are unable to return to campus.
Tuesday, October 8th
All locations: Regular workday, 8am to 5pm, for all faculty and staff. If you have extenuating circumstances, and cannot return to campus, please contact your supervisor.
Swainsboro: Housing students will return to the Bobcat Villas after 8am. Housing students have already been contacted with details of this return. No student should return to campus before Tuesday morning as the Bobcat Villas will remain closed for continued repairs and clean-up until that time. MESSAGE CONTINUED IN COMMENTS!!